Themes: Template Theme Css100 MorPho v1.0 is released

Posted by: kris_frOn 2010/1/9 15:50:00 8933 reads

After Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis 3.1.1 and Xdt Standard 1.0, the Laboratory releases new version of its Css100 Morpho template theme for Xoops.
Clone Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis in its functionality, this template theme differs by the absence of tables in its structure (and therefore only "Div"). It allows for issues of quality with minimal knowledge of languages html, css, javascript or php.

Download Css100 MorPho template theme


Unpack the archive and upload all the folders and files directly into the folder 'themes' of your site


Note 1: To use the opportunity to add blocks in the footer or the home box (under the header), you must save the file "function.block.php" in yourSite / class / smarty / xoops_plugins /
Note 2: To enjoy the possibility of adding an insert content in the header in home page, you must verify or fill the following line in the file xo_homepage.html: <(if! Xoops_isuser & $ & $ smarty . server.PHP_SELF == '/ index.php')>

  • if your site is at the root of the server, put '/ index.php',
  • if '/ foldernamer / index.php'

If you have difficulty finding the path, add "() $ smarty.server.PHP_SELF> first line of this file and the information displayed, then remove the line and comments on issues of security

Note 3: You can disable or enable different files (include) or subject area (columns left and right, high and low blocks) by changing values in the file xo_thm_parameters.html
Note 4: The documentation, in preparation for the template theme Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis, include a chapter on css100. But by then, many tips have been published on this theme on the Xoops forum (here or Xoops France).


  • Snow77 and Technigrafa for the original project,
  • XOOPS Design Team for its participation in the development and use of this theme template
  • The Afux (Xoops Users French Association) for support in this project.



Css100 MorPho is available HERE


Install the theme on your site, and you will! a screenshot is also viewable at this link


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