Themes: Release of the Template Theme Xdt Standard version 1.0

Posted by: kris_frOn 2010/1/9 11:20:00 8124 reads

Xdt (Xoops Theme Design) Standard is a basic template for make Xoops themes.
Compared to the previous version, files lateral and central blocks have been changed, the header has been recoded and style sheets, adding the administration bar footer, so many changes to simplify the design without significant knowledge in html or css.

Download Xdt Standard


Unpack the archive and upload all the folders and files directly into the folder 'themes' of your site


You can disable or enable the bar administration by changing the values in the file xo_thm_parameters.html, and change the order of positioning blocks in that file.


  • XOOPS Design Team for its participation in the development and use of this theme template
  • The Afux (Xoops Users French Association) for support in this project.


Xdt Standard is available HERE


Install the theme on your site, and you will! a screenshot is also viewable at this link


Join the Group Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis for Xoops on Facebook! and/or become a Fan! and receive the daily news and tips for users of the template theme.