Hacks: Official Xoops Smilie Dictionary

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2008/6/18 4:10:00 8342 reads
The official smiley database has been published in the wiki, this is as a guide for smiles when you are extending your smiley database in xoops, I would love to one day see xoops have these all natively but I am unsure who should render them all.

This is the Basic Smiles Not all of these are currently in xoops, but you can get the full smiley database from chronolabs wiki or here at the xoops wiki.

Basic Smilies

- Your basic smilie.
- Winky smilie.
- Frowning smilie.
:-I - Indifferent smilie.
:-> - User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a .
>:-> - User just made a really devilish remark.
>;-> - Winky and devil combined.
(-: - User is left handed
%-) - User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
:*) - User is drunk
8*) - User is stoned on drugs
[:] - User is a robot
- User is wearing sunglasses
B - Sunglasses on head
: - User wears normal glasses
B-) - User wears horn-rimmed glasses
8 - User is a little girl
-8 - User is a Big girl
:-{) - User has a mustache
:-{} - User wears lipstick
{ - User wears a toupee
} - Toupee in an updraft

Wiki Link: XOOPS Smilie Dictionary