XOOPS: XOOPS 2.3.0 Alpha 2 Release
Posted by: phpppOn 2008/3/30 9:10:00 16991 readsThe XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.3.0 Alpha 2.
The objective of XOOPS 2.3 releases is to merge the two existent branches of 2.0 and 2.2 and to build a bridge towards our next generation of XOOPS: the Version 3.0.
With XOOPS 2.3 release, users will be able to learn some of new features that will be available in XOOPS 3.0, while developers can understand better the direction of XOOPS development, and designers can learn what features will be supported in the future.
Both backward and forward compatibility will be guaranteed as much as possible. Modules written for 2.0.* and 2.2.* will work with 2.3; applications developed for 2.3 will be compatible with Version 3.0 automatically.
Developers are encouraged to write their new application modules on XOOPS 2.3 so they can incorporate some of the new features and ensure easy migration to Version 3.0.
Download: XOOPS Sourceforge Repository What's New for Developers ----------------------------------- 1) Improved XOOPS ORM by enabling extensible persistable object handler: - The improved persistable object handler supports almost all common methods for database access and data treatment, so that developers do not need to write their own classes or methods; - Custom handler is supported. Developers can add their own handler if they want more functionality or to replace XOOPS native handlers. 2) Improved text sanitizer: - Custom extension is supported. Developers can add new filters or methods to sanitizer based on their specific needs. - Built-in extensions, which can be disabled or enabled (e.g. for flash, youtube, image, wiki, syntax highlight, text filter, etc.) - Combined with improved persistable object handler (see above), text input from users will be filtered automatically for security considerations. 3) Custom Frameworks support: - Module developers can add their own library or frameworks (located in XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/Frameworks) which can be shared by other modules. - PEAR, Geshi have been provided as custom libraries in Frameworks. - Once the code insided Frameworks is proven stable and valuable, they will be adopted by XOOPS core and moved into XOOPS core package. This way we can build a standard, efficient channel for third-party developers to contribute. 4) XOOPS editor packages are now supported officially: - A XoopsEditor handler is built to accept third-party editors. - Three editors, including Textarea, Dhtmltextarea, Extended Dhtmltextarea are provied in XOOPS core. FCKeditor, TinyMCE, Koivi are now provided as third-party add-ons. 5) XOOPS CAPTCHA is built into XOOPS core: - CAPTCHA has been added to registration and comment forms. - Module developers can add CAPTCHA very easily to their applications. 6) XOOPS file and folder engine is added, based on CakePHP. 7) XOOPS Cache engine is built based on CakePHP. 8) Some other improvements and new resources: - XoopsLocal for localization; - XoopsLoad emulating SPL autoload in PHP5; - XoopsUtility as a collection for miscellaneous methods used by XOOPS; - Enabled character set and collation support for MySQL 4.1+; - Upgraded Smarty to 2.6.19; - Upgraded phpmailer to 2.0.0; - Added XOOPS datafile and library folders for forward compatibility with XOOPS 3.0; - Added XOOPS_TRUST_PATH for compatibility with some modules, e.g. protector 9) For more changes, please check changelog.txt What's New for Theme/Template developers ----------------------------------- 1 Rel attribute for anchors is now supported. Developers/designers are encouraged to use (X)HTML compliant "rel" attribute instead of "target". What's New for Users ----------------------------------- So far the 2.3.0 Alpha does not give user many new features although it has great potential of adding new features very easily. Some of the new features that might interest users: - Enabled "auto login" or remember me; - Implemented new installer with improved user experience - Added upgrader from to 2.3.0 Alpha 2 System requirements ----------------------------------- * PHP: Any PHP version >= 4.3 (PHP 4.2.x may work but is not officially supported) * MySQL: MySQL server 3.23+ * Web server: Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended) Installing XOOPS 2.3 Alpha 2 ----------------------------------- 1. Copy the content of the htdocs/ folder where it can be accessed by your server 2. Ensure mainfile.php, and the directories: /cache, /templates_c, /XOOPS-data, and /uploads are writable by the webserver 3. Access the folder where you installed the htdocs/ files using your web browser to launch the installation wizard Upgrading from a previous version ----------------------------------- Upgrading from XOOPS 2.0.* above 2.0.14 (using the full package) 1. Move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder (it's been kept out as it's not needed for full installs) on your local machine 2. Delete htdocs/mainfile.php, htdocs/install/, htdocs/cache/, htdocs/extras/, htdocs/template_c/, htdocs/themes/ and htdocs/uploads/ from the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL machine 3. Upload the content of the htdocs folder on your LOCAL machine over your existing files on your server 4. Access