XOOPS: Release of XOOPS RC

Posted by: marcanOn 2007/9/18 5:00:00 9636 reads
The XOOPS Core Development team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS RC !

This is a bugfix release addressing login problems with some IE browsers caused by session_regenerate_id on some PHP versions.

Users who still suffer from login problem after implementing the patch are suggested to turn on custom session in system preferences, or set "enableRegenerateId" to FALSE in /kernel/session.php line #78.

Please read the full changelog for details.

We also took the opportunity of this release to update the resource.db.php located under the extras folder of the package. This file is fixing a problem that may occur with modules not having their templates under module/dirname/templates/. Please carefully read extras/readme.txt for all information.

The full and upgrade packages can be downloaded here : SourceForge Download page.

This package is a Release Candidate and should not be use on production environment. Use it at your own risk. If no new bugs are discovered in this RC release, the XOOPS final should be released within 2 weeks.

Please report any bug you may find in the XOOPS bug tracker.

Enjoy !