YAXS: feuershow.biz a German Fireshow Page

Posted by: skelinkOn 2007/9/17 22:45:59 5721 reads
http://www.feuershow.biz We are two fire performers, we get 95% of bookings any this website This Site is a one to one clon from my old site wiche was developed with an frameset. Caution this site looks differently than the most xoops sites.

The site is developed with Simple Xoops 0.7.9, I used the following Modules :

  1. formulaire 3.31
  2. wiwimod 0.8
  3. myalbum 2.88
  4. multiSite 1.13.4 for the english version

I hope you have fun to watch the pictures and the video from my site. skelink
