YAXS: 10 Xoops sites available for free testing

Posted by: ecolipsOn 2007/1/9 19:20:00 6152 reads
Resized ImageFor the xoops beginners we have 10 pre-setup Xoops sites waiting for your administration. All sites have the same features.

- Xoops version is 2.0.16
- 65 different themes preinstalled
- custom preinstalled modules "News, CBB Forum, mylinks, mydownloads, xoopspolls, catads".

We have done all the necesary setup. We will give the admin password for one of these installations to you if you want. So you can use this site for 1 month to test xoops and see its features before deciding to build a Xoops site.

Don't forget we have only 10 xoops sites and you can take one of these if you hury up.

These test sites will have subdomains like that "xoops2.parakazanin.com" , "xoops3.parakazanini.com" ...

For more information visit our theme testing site xoops.parakazanin.com