YAXS: XOOPSPRO new website

Posted by: pemenOn 2006/12/29 9:50:00 6786 reads
I'm very proud to launch the new XOOPSPRO website with a new look and theme. The goal of this website is to propose a professional approach for the XOOPS community and customers.
For the moment the XOOPSPRO activities turn around the following subjects :

IAM (Identity and Access management)
Workflow management and BPM
Organizational Chart
XOOPS Modules developement.

and i hope more in the future ...

- IAM (Identity and Access management)
All about authentication, user identity and management.
For the moment the result of my works is the new authentication system includes in the XOOPS Core since the XOOPS 2.0.14 version.
I've a lot of ideas and some of them have already associated developments. For example : Directory Content Management System : To use XOOPS as platform of management of directory (Yellow pages, White pages, rogue's gallery, ...)

Single Sign On management System (SSO) : CAS Server integration into XOOPS has started

Identity Federation : This functionnality is often ask for the XOOPS community.

- Workflow management and BPM

The Xflow module is the result of the GALAXA workflow engine into XOOPS. This is a very powerful activity-based workflow engine that need development efforts.

- Organizational Chart

Show your company functional organisation in a oriented-graph Organizational Chart.

- XOOPS Modules developement

Xplorer for the moment and i hope much more in the future like a true multi-users share calendar system.

This website is accessible here : http://www.xoopspro.com