XOOPS: XOOPS 2.2x Tutorials

Posted by: jdseymourOn 2005/8/13 10:35:34 6675 reads
I am currently working on a new set of flash tutorials for XOOPS version 2.2. The 2.0x tutorials will remain unchanged as 2.0.13 is still a stable version and those tutorials apply to that series.

With the new layout, as well as the new features in the XOOPS 2.2x versions, I felt it was necessary to update the tutorials to help in navigation and usage of the version.

Some of the new features include:

1. A new layout for the administration control panel.

2. The administration control panel is now themeable to customize the look and feel of the administration section.

3. Personal Message functions are now moved from the core to a modular interface.

4. An extended profile module is provided to give complete control over the information collected from the users for registration or general user information. (Custom fields).

So far I have a total of a total of five new tutorials available. I have tried to include (and break down) as much useful information as possible, but these files still ended up much bigger than my previous tutorials. I am still working on solutions to reduce the size for dialup users.

The tutorials now available include:

1. XOOPS 2.2 Tour

2. XOOPS 2.2 Upload Tutorial

3. XOOPS 2.2 CHMOD Tutorial

4. XOOPS 2.2 Installation Tutorial

and 5. XOOPS 2.0.13 to 2.2 Upgrade Tutorial This includes the hotfix that is not required with 2.2.1. Will be updated shortly.

Please realize that these tutorials are still a work in progress. I will be improving the current ones as well as adding new ones on a regular basis.

Thanks for your continued support, and for visiting my site. I really hope these, as well as all, of my tutorials are helpful to you.