XOOPS: XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.4 for XOOPS

Posted by: marcanOn 2005/1/12 21:00:00 5829 reads
The SmartFactory is proud to release a new version of XOOPS Multilanguages, fully supporting XOOPS !

You can download it here : XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.4 Final

As usual, please CAREFULLY read the ReadMe.txt file as it contains all the instructions to install or update XOOPS Multilanguages. Please take this advise very seriously as you may have some problems if you don't follow the instructions carefully .

Here is the change log for this new version :

=> version 1.4.4 Final

- Again some minor updates in the files (mostly CVS header)

=> version 1.4.4 RC 2

- Some files of the package were not the official files released in the official package. This was causing a probem in the blocks It has been fixed

=> version 1.4.4 RC 1

- Adaptation of XOOPS Multilanguages to support XOOPS;
- Bug fix in include/multilanguage.php
- Adaptation of the Banners System to use language tags for image url and click url

For question or comments about XOOPS Multilanguages, please visit The SmartFactory.

Cheers !