Modules: The XOOPS Shop Project is ready to go

Posted by: AnonymousOn 2005/1/12 21:40:00 15084 reads
The 12th of January is the day of the reopening of the myXOOPSshop and the start day of this Project.

myXOOPSshop is a Project to bring eCommerce into the XOOPS world.

The needed Tools to work in a effective way are now ready to use.( Forum, Bugtracker, CVS ). StudioC did a nice job to give this Site a clean and professional look to bring this Project to you.

With xshop and zshop you get an e-business solution based on xt:commerce and Zen Cartâ„¢ using XOOPS API and SMARTY.

Both shops used the best of the aboved mentioned existing shopsystems to have the best solution for the XOOPS Project also the experience of the XOSC 0.2 Beta ( the first trial ) will flow into this project.

If you want to follow the developing please visit the Demosite

Planned Features are visible here

The XOOPS Shop Project Team still needs help, so if you want to join the Team as developer, designer, translator or manual writer please use the following email adress:

join [at] myxoopsshop [dot] org

Your XOOPS Shop Project Team