News: Xoops Hosting Offer

Posted by: davidl2On 2004/4/18 14:36:47 7545 reads
I've been hosting for quite some time now with British hosting firm 3D Pixelnet - and have found them a great company for service - with excellent support.

After speaking to one of their team, they have put this special custom package for all Xoops users!

The package gives you:

* 500MB Space / 5GB Transfer (per month)
* 2 MySQL database
* 50 POP3/IMAP Emails
* Spamassassin (user configurable)
* Clamav (antivirus)
* 2 Domains Allowed

In addition:
- PHP4.3.5 *NEW* / CGI-BIN / Perl5 Scripting
- MySQL4.0.18MAX *NEW* databases & PHPMyAdmin
- Feature Packed Control Panel (Plesk 7 *NEW*)
- Raw Log Access
- Urchin Webstats
- Full FTP Access
- POP3/IMAP Emails & Webmail System
- Zone File Customisation
- Custom 404 Error Messages

The cost of this package is £29.99 / $53.93 per year and is available here.

And, if you are new to Xoops, they also offer a Free one-time only set-up Xoops installation service for you.

Any queries - visit the 3Dpixelnet forum at (also hosted by 3DPixelnet of course! )