Modules: Sub Site/Multi Site Module + Hack

Posted by: BoDGieOn 2004/4/18 12:19:55 10495 reads
Subsite Module BETA 1.0
by Trent Scholl aka BoDGie
Many people have been requesting something that allows you to run multiple sites with the same userbase or with other shared tables like news etc..

Some people managed to work it out but for all novices it wasn't a very easy task so I decided to code this little module with an easy to follow administration menu that even the new xoops users would be able to use.

Currently you are only able to share tables in the same database in which the install of XOOPS resides in. The option to connect to other databases will be added in the next version.

If you share tables like group permissions it will have issues because if you dont have a module or block installed on one site but you do on the other it will get confused as it doesnt really know what it is giving permission to.
Add ability to connect to a database other than the one that the current install of XOOPs is stored in.
Know of a limitation or bug and want to report it? Or just need some help using the module?
Goto and then goto the subsite section forums and post a topic and I'll see what I can do to help you.

Feature requests can also be posted here and I will add them into the next version.

I can also be contacted via IRC at
Although this module is in BETA stages it is in a working condition.

You can grab it from (In the downloads section, You'll have to register to access it)