XOOPS: XOOPS 2.0.5 RC released!

Posted by: onokazuOn 2003/9/30 0:37:05 5245 reads
XOOPS 2.0.5 RC has been released for testing. Please test this release as much as possible, so that any remaining issues can be uncovered and resolved before the final 2.0.5 release.

Both zip and tar.gz packages are available on our download page.

XOOPS Core Team

- Fixed email checking bug mentioned in this thread (mvandam)
- Fixed a number of bugs in blocks admin page (Onokazu)
- More usability fix in blocks admin page (Onokazu)
- Fixed forum topic links to correctly use the # feature in url (Onokazu)
- Fixed password checking bug mentioned in this thread
- Fixed database connection error when creating database during install (Onokazu)
- Fixed mb_output_handler causing problems in backend.php/image.php/downloader (Onokazu)
- Fixed search feature to use GET requests for prev/next/showall links (Onokazu)
- Register_globals related fix in /include/comment_post.php (contrib by gstarrett)
- Added $xoopsUserIsAdmin global variable (Onokazu)
- Added xoops_getLinkedUnameById function to /include/functions.php (Catzwolf)
- Fixed invalid Smarty tags in