Modules: myXoopsForge Module RC 1.01

Posted by: AnonymousOn 2003/10/1 19:07:22 8657 reads
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The German Developer Site is proud to present the Release Candidate 1.01 of the myXoopsForge Moduls.

myXoopsForge RC 1.01 is a Sourceforge Clone ( based on the old xoopsforge ) as an Xoops v 2.0.x Module and is vor administration of Software developing Pojects.


- Project Foren
- Bugtracker
- Documentenmanagement
- Code Snippet
- Sample Code
- To Do Tracker
- Project News System
- Project Survey
- File Release System ( with Upload ability )
- Mailinglistings ( needs GNU Mailman )
- CVS Support ( needs an installed CVS Server )

>>> Download here <<<

Demo the Site themself

Please reported Bugs in the Project Bugtracker, also Feature requests.

>>> Bugtracking <<<

Greetz Predator

P.S. Admin Icons are in work ( Chapi ).

You have do insert a new user named none manualy, because the Xoops Installfunction did not allow a changing in the user table.

INSERT INTO prefix_users (uidunameemailpassVALUES (100'none''''*********34343');