XOOPS: XOOPSDEM Brussels 2005 - Rowd's Report

Posted by: rowdieOn 2005/3/2 17:59:08 9484 reads

The French Connection (Solo71 + support from other xoopsfr members)
The French XOOPs team gave a great presentation outlining the history of French XOOPS and the merger of all their support sites to one location. They also raised some very important points about XOOPS core releases/news announcements and the local support sites.

Current Situation
An announcement is made on XOOPS.org of a new core release, french community members see it and go to their local support site for questions and help. The team there haven't had any time to explore it for themselves, so their support is at first just guesses. An unsatisfactory situation for the users, but also for the support team who are suddenly innundated with posts requiring answers, while at the same time trying to test the release and search the xoops.org forums for answers.

2 possible solutions discussed
1. Make the current release protocal for modules also apply to core releases. This will mean that a release is announced at dev.xoops.org one week before it becomes a public release at xoops.org. This gives developers, but also local support teams, time to become acquainted with the module/core release before it is presented to the general public.
2. Make official core news available to local support teams before the general public. This would also give local support teams time to prepare their own news announcement, which could be posted simultaneously with xoops.org.