Re: APCal 2.22 Beta-1 available for testing (XOOPS 2.5.8, PHP 7)
  • 2017/3/16 19:01

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Thanks for making APCal work correctly on 2.5.8 PHP7 ...

Will try to add some new features on APCal this year. will start with zyspec version.

Re: APCal 2.22 Beta-1 available for testing (XOOPS 2.5.8, PHP 7)
  • 2017/3/16 4:46

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Module name really have to be APCal ... Have not upgraded our Xoops core for a while ... So we don't see the bugs.

Please test zyspec modifications, if they are correct, will add them as the official branch for our module.

We have close our support forum, there was so much spam. Please use this place to tell us what features you would like to see in the futur.

Re: Issue with block template compilation
  • 2013/7/31 14:21

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Thanks for your reply.

I don't have cache enabled for any blocks and I've deleted the content of "smarty_cache", "smarty_compile" and "xoops_cache" folders.

I don't have module cache enabled too.

I did the maintenance like you said without any results.

Issue with block template compilation
  • 2013/7/29 15:03

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


I have an issue with template compilation with only one module.

I've made some modifications to a block template, but I always see the old template.

- The "Check templates for modifications" is set to yes.
- I've deleted all the "Smarty compile" folder content
- I've deleted the corresponding entries in the "tplsource" and "tplfile" database tables (even if the content was the new one)
- I've updated the module

After all of that, the block I see is always the old one. Every other module pages and other blocks recompile fine when I make modifications to them.

I'm modifying the good module because the pages templates recompile fine when I edit them.

So why only one block doesn't recompile?
And where do it takes the source to recompile the old one?

Re: you tube in calendar
  • 2013/6/27 15:00

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


If you want to contact us, it is better to do so on our website (http://xoops.antiquespromotion.ca), we sometimes miss messages in xoops forum.

We will take a look at it, and we will use the text editor you chose in xoops preferences for events.

Thank you for reporting this issue, it is very appreciated.

Kind regards

Re: APCal 2.20 Final Problems
  • 2013/6/27 14:54

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


First, we are sorry for the delay. We didn't see this message before on the xoops website.

If you want a faster answer, we suggest you to post your message on our website (http://xoops.antiquespromotion.ca), we are looking at them quite often.

Now, I'm not sure what is your problem.
You've created a new holiday calendar and you were not able to see it in the dropdown list?
After you've updated the module, it was there?

I'm not sure if it is possible to update the list without a module update since we are using the xoops preferences. We will take a look at it and see what we can do.

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue, it is very appreciated.

By the way, can you send us your holiday calendar so we can add it in our next release?

Kind regards

Re: APCal - More infos in blocks
  • 2013/6/27 14:42

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


As we don't see every messages on xoops.org, we just saw this one. You've also posted your message on our website and we already replied there.

If you want to contact us, it is better to do so on our website. (http://xoops.antiquespromotion.ca)

Here is the answer:
We have just released a new version of APCal with the option to add the main picture in the coming events block.
We have added the possibility to display the main category in the block, but we think the display will be overloaded so we didn't add it "officially".

If you want to edit the template, the new variables are:

- Image Source: <{$xoops_upload_url}>/APCal/<{$event.picture}>

- Main Category: <{$event.mainCat}>

Thank you for your suggestions, it is always appreciated.

Re: [SOLVED]xoRewriteModule hack not working after upgrade to php 5.3.17
  • 2012/10/30 17:02

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

It didn't work for me. But I found another fix.

I read that php ini parser cannot parse a php file. So I removed the php tags and comments.

Now the file looks like:


Re: APCal v.2.0.0 Beta - Calendar with Maps for Xoops 2.4/2.5
  • 2011/11/15 15:49

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

It is a great idea, thank you. We will integrate it in our next version that will comes out in 2012.

Kind regards,


Re: APCal v.2.0.0 Beta - Calendar with Maps for Xoops 2.4/2.5
  • 2011/11/1 18:15

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Hello btesec,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Your first bug seems to be a language error. For now, the only available languages for the new things are English and French.

So if you're using another language, please feel free to translate them. these texts are located in the "main.php" file in the languages folder.

If you are using English or French langugage, check if the "main.php" file is in the languages folder and check if it contains the texts that are not showing properly.

For the color thing you describe on the news page, each color is related to a specific category. You can choose the color associated to each category in admin. So the color displayed on the calendar for an event is the color of the chosen main category.

For your last problem, I'm not sure to understand. The events details boxes are shown in your page while loading? Then they disappear? The behavior should be the popup shows up when your mouse is over an event, then it disappear when your mouse is out. It works perfectly on our sites, so if you want to give us your URL, we can check this out.

If you encounter other bugs, please don't hesitate to write them down here.

Kind Regards,

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