Preserve MS Word Formatting in Xoops Editor

Hi All,
Is there any xoops editor which can preserve the formatting done in Microsoft Word?
So far no success in TinyMCE etc., all the formatting is wiped off and every thing needs to be formatted once more, which is very hard to do.
Its a big concern over xoops editors, Isn't it?

Re: Preserve MS Word Formatting in Xoops Editor
  • 2011/8/28 23:34

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

Page formatting in Word relies on codes that work in Word but are not valid HTML. To retain the layout when text is cut and pasted, the editor would need to convert the bespoke formatting to HTML which would be quite a task.

AFAIK, none of the mainstream WYSIWYG editors can do this, although I suppose it would be technically possible to achieve with a plugin.

It might be worth checking the TinyMCE website to see if such a thing exists.
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.

Re: Preserve MS Word Formatting in Xoops Editor

Thanks Peekay,
Yes your are right, I have posted this issue on tinyMCE forum, let's see what comes out


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