Hi all,
I need to send a newsletter to my members, to inform them that i'm going to send them by post some documents...
So, using profile module, i created fields like "document1", "document2", "addresse1", "zip_code", "city"... where i will import data i already have (about my association members)
I now would like to send them with a newsletter module (like "enewsletter"), a mail like :
I inform you that we will freely send you X documents 1 and Y documents 2 next week to your following address :
Address 1
zip code, City
Please check your address and inform us if it's not correct.
Question : how can i call fields i created in my profile module tables to include them in my mail (address,... ) ? I think i need to create "smarty", but i don't really know where and how to create them... Your help would be welcome.
Kindly regards,