How to contact XOOPS webmaster about review of module
  • 2009/10/13 19:15

  • altabear

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2009/10/10


I installed the News Adsense module, and have it active on my site.

Today, I read this "review":


Stating that it's "infected". I assume that anything uploaded to you guys is o.k.?

Can you check the poster of the comment, so let me/us know if I should belive the comment - and remove news from my site?

Kinda worried.


Re: How to contact XOOPS webmaster about review of module
  • 2009/10/13 21:42

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

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I don't think it is infected. You have the source, so you can compare the files with the official version.

It is based on a rather old version of News: 1.53 Since then a lot of bugs have been fixed and some features added. Some of these bugs may have security implications.

As far as I can see, the code used to implement the adsense feature is rather limited and there are only a few files involved, so it would be easy to transpose them on the current 1.63 version.

Re: How to contact XOOPS webmaster about review of module
  • 2009/10/14 1:42

  • altabear

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2009/10/10

Thank you for that.

I wasn't sure if the comment person was just being difficult, or actually had some kind of issue, so I wanted to check.

I think I should try the newer version anyway.

Thank you once again for your assistance.



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