I apologize, but I still need some help on this. I'm beginning to try to learn some php programming but haven't got very far yet.
To insert the name of the poster into the notification message, I understand that I have to put an identifier in the email template. I have used POSTER_NAME. If I just leave that like that, POSTER_NAME appears in the notification. So far so good.
Now I have to work out how to replace POSTER_NAME with the actual name of the person posting. In the newbb templates (e.g. newbb_viewforum.html) the name of the last poster is called by the variable {$topic.topic_last_poster}
I understand that I have to put a tag into post.php to populate LAST_POSTER. This is the step that I cannot figure out. I see that $tags is an array. Am I correct in assuming that I have to add an additional value in that array, something like:
$tags['POSTER_NAME'] =??
If so, can you help me by telling me what the code to add that tag should be? Conversely, if I'm wrong about that, can you still help me with the code?
These challenges are learning opportunities for me. It would be really helpful if you could also explain in ordinary English, just what is being done. Perhaps I'll be able to do better next time.
Ghia, or someone else?
I appreciate any help you can give.