Yeah, an .htaccess works, and thanks for your attempt, but you did kinda miss the point. My example was just one of many reasons why someone would want have a theme.php...another example being, what if I want to define a number of variables....something like
$link1 $link2 $link3 $bgcolor
to allow them to be modified in a separate file or advanced theming module
what if i wanted to create a definition calling some XOOPS function that isnt defined by a the XOOPS smarty system and use it throughout my theme.
what if i wanted a separate block format to be displayed depending on the state of the content of a block requiring me to use an else-if statement.
what if i wanted to decode a cookie rather than adding another hit to the database to pinpoint whether the user visiting the site is a guest or a member and what their member name is if one exists.
My question was:
Is there any absolute benefit to having your theme compiled by smarty in templates_c?
yeah that's kinda why I was asking, there seems to be mixed messages about templates_c throught the forums. What brought the question about in my mind was someone saying that templates_c was for
compiled templates, not cached templates considering the only thing it does is replace <{smarty_code_here}> with ....and I couldnt really deem whether or not that would be in any way beneficial to the speed of the website as opposed to just calling the php directly without the use of templates_c...i could be wrong but it just seems like you'd be removing a step which would be unneeded if using php directly. Blocks/modules would still cache if they're setup to do so.