At times it's really hard to get answers from module developers. I posted the following question re extCal on on August 14: weeks, 230 views, zero replies.
I posted the following on August 5 on re News 1.55 (& 1.54): weeks, 424 views, a few replies, still no answer.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that neither of these is a tough question. Maybe they're just too simple to warrant the time to answer them. I don't know.
I am aware that these guys, like many others, are donating their time, and I have always been appreciative of that. On the other hand, every person who tries XOOPS and XOOPS modules is donating his/her time, also--sometimes hundreds of hours. I know that I have hundreds of hours invested myself, but that's more because I'm slow than anything else.

. Also, I started from scratch and didn't know a CMS from PMS.
The fact remains, however, that, free or not, everyone has a frustration threshold that, when approached, makes them antsy about every little thing that happens and when exceeded makes them give up and move on to something else.
I do not want to seem impatient or ungrateful, therefore, nor do I want to have unreasonable expectations regarding support for donated work, so the question is what should one expect? When asking a question and waiting on a reply, how long is long enough?