From the Communications Team Work ForumThanks for all your efforts this week - here's a status report:
Completed Items * Documentation templates are complete and ready for distribution. They are attached to the Documentation Template thread. snow (Ana) has also replicated them at XOOPSwiki and they are available for use there. Thank you!
* File formats for offline documents have been determined - PDF, DOC (Word), and ODT (OpenOffice).
* Protector v3.04 documentation is complete and is being added to the wiki
Documentation index has been added to the wiki to organize and assist with locating information
Open Tasks * Clarification between project and community teams is being sought. We continue to provide documentation, news and promotion for core and community. Terms of Reference and 'official' documentation status are dependent on this clarification
* Access to approving news and setting the spotlight article at has not been answered
* Security article with interview is nearing completion
* Status of 'Official' docs site is unknown. We are using XOOPSwiki and XOOPSinfo in the interim
* We are waiting for a report from the core devs about their meeting on 27 June so we can publish and provide to the international sites
* Nothing further has been added to the spotlight criteria discussion
* Translation of Starting a New XOOPS Site has begun at XOOPSwiki
New Items * wtravel (Martijn) has requested a temporary leave from the team. Additional assistance will be sought for the promotions group
* Additional documentation projects are being listed and prioritized. Among them are Essential Modules, Frameworks, XOOPSeditors and Security