Thanks.I knew how to copy a block but forgot that system was a module. Here's how I did it for others who want to do this.. I changed to the $xoopsroot/modules/system and added a new numbered template to the bottom of xoops_version.php that looked like this
$modversion['templates'][15]['file'] = 'system_block_dummy.html';^M
$modversion['templates'][15]['description'] = 'Dummy template for custom blocks or blocks without templates';
and added this.
$modversion['templates'][16]['file'] = 'system_userinfo_mycopy.html';^M
$modversion['templates'][16]['description'] = 'New UserInfo template';
I changed directories to $xoopsroot/modules/system/templates and copied system_userinfo.html to system_userinfo_mycopy.html. Then go to admin>Modules and update the system module. Then go to templates and chose my new template name and clicked generate. That's it. Thanks for the reminder!!!