Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/26 14:16

  • smart2

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2007/1/19

Hi all, first alpha version of clientspace 2.0 is out.
Available here : http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?clientspace

Be careful you have to fully uninstall older versions before you can install this release which has been totally recoded (all docs will be lots).

Now the module is much more customisable to fit your needs.
You can now activate or not follows up and create categories to store documents.The storage of files isn't BLOB based anymore and files are now stored in the file system and protected by .htaccess.

Thanks for your feed back, there are probably some errors to correct as it is only an alpha version which is going to be improved.


Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/26 16:05

  • chippyash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 501

  • Since: 2004/1/29

Submit this as a news item if you haven't already.

Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/26 18:06

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

this looks like a great module...thanks for your work on this!

I have installed it, and have one question so far...how do you add in more clients? There only seems to be the "test" client...or am I missing something?



Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/26 20:04

  • smart2

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2007/1/19

To add a client just add a member to your XOOPS site.

Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/26 21:54

  • jcweb

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/4/25

This is really an intersting module! I have 4-5 questions...

1. There is a folder "block", but i can´t see the block to install it. Maybe, the reason can be, its a alpha version?

2. To configure the module, i miss (i think) the language variable to set the configuration of editor etc., because there is no one!

3. Can any user distribute an file to another user or only the group/user with the rights to this module? I can only set preferences to a group!?

4. Can only the admin delete any file?

On my websites is running XOOPS 2.2.4/2.2.5rc2, the user handling to send a file to another user is not really smart (This is not a problem of your module)! Did you see a chance to take another way to catch any user from a list? The module install and place a folder in the XOOPS folder uploads, and give them the rights 700. I think a lot of users will stay in front of a major problem to delete files and if necessary the folder! For me its not a problem, its our own server!

- XOOPS 2.2x
- MySQL 5.x
- php 5.2x

Bye Andy and thanks for sharing with us!

Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/26 22:28

  • smart2

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2007/1/19

Hi Andy,

1) For the moment, no blocks are available, I'll probably add one in the final release.

2) Here is the part of XOOPS version containig language variables you can edit in modinfo.php (forgot to translate one line)
$modversion ['config'][1]['name']='_MI_CLIENTSPACE_EDITOR';
$modversion ['config'][1]['title']='_MI_CLIENTSPACE_EDITOR';
$modversion ['config'][1]['description']='_MI_CLIENTSPACE_CHOOSE';
$modversion ['config'][1]['formtype']='select';
$modversion ['config'][1]['valuetype']='text';
$modversion ['config'][1]['default']='dhtml';
$modversion ['config'][1]['options']= array('dhtml' => 'dhtml''tiny' => 'tiny');
$modversion['config'][1]['category'] = 'clientspace_settings';

$modversion ['config'][2]['name']='_MI_CLIENTSPACE_SUIVI';
$modversion ['config'][2]['title']='_MI_CLIENTSPACE_SUIVI';
$modversion ['config'][2]['description']='_MI_CLIENTSPACE_SUIVI_DESC';
$modversion['config'][2]['formtype'] = 'yesno';
$modversion['config'][2]['valuetype'] = 'int';
$modversion['config'][2]['default'] = 1;
$modversion['config'][2]['category'] = 'clientspace_settings';

3) As the module is for one of my client and is some kind of CRM, the module fits this need but maybe in a further version I will give the module this kind of capability (not so soon...), for now it's a one way module (from company to clients).

4) Yes only admin can add delete edit files or follows as it is intended to be a very little CRM module, as I explain on 3.

5) Thank you for pointing this problem, I'll set it to 755.

Thanks for feed back

PS: A bug has been foud in the read managment of files and is corrected, will be available in next version.

Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/2/27 17:07

  • jcweb

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/4/25

Thank you very much for your answer and work! It is really an interesting module, i repeat myself. But for some of our Websites the work between teachers and student is this one of these things they need! CRM goes another way

If i find the time (hope next week) i spend german language files!

Bye Andy

Re: Clientspace 2.0 alpha (mini crm) is available
  • 2007/3/1 6:18

  • smart2

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2007/1/19

Thank you for your help, you're welcome!


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