Can't be specific here but this
FAQ may help you to understand what the Quote:
XOOPS root path not defined
You won't be able to do much with the gallery module unless this is resolved. Once you have this here is some advice on using the module:
To add new pictures, first create directories for the albums you want in the xcgal albums folder and upload the pictures with an FTP program. Then Access the xcgal admin by going to Administration/modules/xcGallery. Create a category for your albums.
Then access the gallery by entering:
http://yourdomain.com/xoops/html/modules/xcgal/ into the browser.
xcGallery should display on your page. Enter admin mode of the gallery, and you will see a button for create/modify galleries. You can then create albums to hold the pictures.
Return to xcGallery admin (where you created the categories) and select Batch Upload. You can then select the photos that you uploaded from FTP and place them in the albums you created.