just started with XOOPS a few weeks ago for a new site (I am a newbie!, sort of).
I downloaded the latest MySql, PHP, IIS (Windows Web Server), XOOPS 2.2.3a and a handfull of modules. After an agonizing period of several sleepless nights trying to get everything to work 'together', I became frustrated. As I diagnosed issues, I noticed the recommendations were similiar to "use this version" or "that" version. After it was over, I am on XOOPS (I stayed with the latest other tools). I can say that almost all the modules I use (MyAlbum, iContent, Xoopspoll, MyDownload, WebLinks).
If it were me, I'd stay on until ALL the modules YOU NEED are ready to go, otherwise you'll be hacking the modules just to get them to work, which is time consuming.
Dont spend you sleepless nights repeating what I did