I don't know how to edit it out (yet, although I'm working on it), but I do know that banning a couple of IPs will certainly help. In your general settings, find the "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site" window and enter the following:
That should stop most of the trackback/comment spam if it's coming from the same source as the spam I'm getting, which from your description it seems to be. The spammer apparently has a fixed IP and is working his way up the IP addresses from on up, incrementing them every day or two. He's currently in the 85.255.114 range, so blocking the 114-119 range ought to provide some relief for at least a little while. I'm a little nervous about blocking the whole 85.255.xxx.xxx range because I'm afraid that will block out some legit users, but so far I haven't had any trackback or comment spam since we blocked those IP addresses listed.
Ace Armstrong
The Man. The Myth. The Mammal.
Intelligent, informed debate good. Innuendo bad. See for yourself!