Chaotic site !
I mean you have to tidy up a little your theme.
The menu is huge. Try to make a navbar with some nice images to make the site easy to navigate. Allso to much information at the main page.
If the visitor wants realy to see something it hasn't to be right in front of him.
Also i see a lot of advertisemets. Try to incorporate them into articles and not directly to front page. Sorry for that but when I see those sites I think that are junk and try only to get easy money.
If you want to make some money from advertisements, write articles take videos and present them on your site.
For example you could write about what you can find with the Thai search engine (benefits)
Or write about thai night life and there have advertisements of bars clubs.
Write about hobbys in thai and advertise local sports.
Write a newsletter with new events.
With content you could earn some money for sure.