I have been reading the posts, but I have no access to the logfiles, my provider will not supply them or even check them for me.... Commandline is therefore also not possible, so I am wondering how to check on it or to give them the instructions to set it right?
But it could have something to do which directories like temp for mysql, since I know there is something changed when the provider decided to move to another system/server. I experience strange behaviour in other modules aswell (like with Spaw I cannot add pictures anymore, get error library doesnt physically exist) and the cleaner module doesnt clean up the templates_c dir anymore also????
Now if I set PhpDebug on, I simply get a error page cannot be found when going back to the homepage. If I choose in the path for another module it works....
Then I tried to go back to Admin to set debug off and found that some of the settings are gone, like phpdebug and the cache settings where just gone from the screen????
Thats with IE, with Firefox I experience the problem with the homepage slightly different, it works on opening but from admin back to homepage nothing happens, but I get with Firefox a correct settings screen so I can turn debug off again.