Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/15 17:02

  • harmony711

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  • Since: 2005/11/15

I have searched many of the XOOPS boards to find this answer. I know others have talked about the same type of problem, but I haven't seen a solution.

I've tried using single upload uploading both a small mp3, and also tried a video which is only 10M, but it brings me to a page not found when I try to single upload.

The folders upload, batchload, images/category and images/category/thumbs are all set at CHMOD 777
Are there any other folders/files I need to set at 777?

I also tried batchload and uploaded a video into that folder. The video ended up in the uploads folder as intended, but I don't see it in categories or show and edit files in my administration.

I am using XOOPS version
and debaser 0.92
are these two compatible together?

--When I look at the php info, my upload_max_filesize is 16M so thats not the problem.

--When I turn on debug, I don't see any errors listed.

Does anyone know how I get this module to work correctly? It would be so appreciated.

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/15 17:30

  • gestroud

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XOOPS and debaser should be compatible. I've used them together with no problems once I figured out what I was doing.

There are a few bugs; I think it's still a beta product. One thing that you have to do - even as webmaster - is approve all submissions, including your own. Take a look in your admin section and see if there are any files waiting to be approved.

Don't know what's causing your blank page. What other modules do you have installed?

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/15 17:42

  • harmony711

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  • Since: 2005/11/15

There is the number 0 next to files to be approved. Here is the list of what I have installed.

xoops gallery-1.33
live d'or guestbook-2.22
liaise contact-1.23
tiny content-1.5

I only get the page not found when I try to single upload. I'm not sure how to get my video into the category because it's not working properly. I can see the block with the categories listed, I just can't get anything uploaded into them.

update: I just uploaded a file through batchload. Then I clicked on batch load in my administration. Now I see 1 files to be approved. When I click on it, it says "there are no files to be approved". Doesn't make any sense.

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/15 18:32

  • gestroud

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  • Since: 2004/12/22

You may have to cheat a little until this gets sorted out.

This happened to me a while ago, so I vaguely remember what caused it. But as a temporary fix, I FTPd the files directly to the folder. Then I created a listing for it in debaser by using the "External Link" option and entering the file's location on my server; you can do it this way through the admin section or your site's frontside.

I know it isn't the ideal method. The module is supposed to function correctly and usually does. I just used this method to get things going until I could get answers. The real problem is that it doesn't solve the problem of your site's users uploading files. I'll try to remember how I solved it.

From what I understand, frankblack is working on a newer version of this module. Hopefully, it will be available soon.

If any other XOOPsers out there have any idea, it would sure be appreciated!

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/15 19:21

  • frankblack

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What gestroud mentionend is a good workaround. I will try to reproduce the bug with a 0.92-version.

1.0 is hiding in the wings, but there are to major things to do which are hopefully not beyond my capabilities.

I will keep you informed.

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/19 20:46

  • harmony711

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  • Since: 2005/11/15

Thank you so much for all your help. Although I don't know how to do this. "Create a listing for it in debaser by using the "External Link" option and entering the file's location on my server; you can do it this way through the admin section or your site's frontside."

What is the external link option?

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2005/11/19 21:01

  • gestroud

  • Home away from home

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Pretty easy. Once you've FTPd your files to your server, they will have an internet url.

For example, if you uploaded a file called song.mp3 to your server, and put it in a folder callled "music," the url or external link is "http://harmony711's site.com/music/song.mp3". That is your external link. What it basically does is allow a person to create a link to a file that is not on your server. In this case, it creates a link to a file that is on your server.

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload

I am also having the same problem, except when I do the external link way, it too says no files to approve when I click the link (it shows me 2 files to be approved, the first one being the first attempt, the second being the other attempt to move it into the batch load folder).

Neither method is working - and the ONLY time it worked correctly was the very FIRST file I uploaded via the Control Panel Single File option. What's the deal here?

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload

Ok, I just tried something and maybe this will help the module maker - I created a new category, but I didn't fill in ANY of the details - I left it totally blank. When it returned me to the default admin page for the module, I clicked the underlined red "2" for my uploads and boom - there they are.

Seems like if you forget to assign the category (in my case) it uploads to a black hole and the database can't find the file. I'm horrid at writing php or getting it to work with a database... is that fairly easy to fix?

Re: Debaser 0.92 Brings to blank page when I try to single upload
  • 2006/7/14 23:31

  • gestroud

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1538

  • Since: 2004/12/22

What other details are there to fill out when you create a category in debaser? I thought all you needed is a category name and an optional topic image.


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