I am using 2.2.3 and happy installing modules (some work with 2.2.3 some don't) however my biggest problem is that some of them eg CBB230 (which is for 2.2.+), survey_v0.6 Mithrandir, newbb, cjaycontent as mentioned in another post and others won't show up at all in the administration install section. I have never had trouble before installing modules, so I am quite confused.
I do have quite a few modules installed (to play with and to see which ones work with 2.2.3) would this have any effect on the new ones I am installing ie does XOOPS have a limit on the number for moduels installed?
Also when I go into the Modules/administation section I loose all the normal XOOPS admin template it just shows up as a white page with all the modules listed but without the XOOPS menu, header etc. What file can I replace as it seems I have inadvertently done something here to fix this.
I seem to be doing a lot of uploading with no results and I really would like to utilise one of the forums and survey modules.
I would really appreciate any assistance given or direction on what I might be doing wrong.