Year and half ago, wf-projects have developers, which was working on their projects, currently wf-projects are ghosts, there is no support, no maintenance, anything latest bugfix release of wf-downloads prove my words. So I will recommend u to use patched WF-Downloads from Mithrandir (Ian Pederson) Packs for XOOPS 2.2, Download Community Pack and u're in.
Download Community Pack -
https://xoops.org/modules/core/singlefile.php?cid=9&lid=98Krobi (or Kr...something) PD-Downloads is not very bad fork of Catzwolf Downloads 2.2 Pro BETA Forever, and u can check it also from
I'm currently using Mithrandir WF-Downloads on
http://www.xoopsbg.org without any problems. So I suggest u to get it and install it.
Probably u can use and Catzwolf Downloads 2.2 Beta from XOOPS CVS, but this module novadays looks more than earlie alpha instead of BETA which pretend to be.
If u're using Mith's XOOPS 2.2.2 or 2.2.3RC, Snapshots u have to choose from the following modules to maintain downloads section:
1. Mith's WF-Downloads
2. MyDownloads 1.10 from XOOPS
3. WMP Downloads 1.1
4. PD-Downloads 1.2
The following modules are no longer supported by XOOPS 2.0/2.2
1. GS Downloads
2. Downloads SE
3. Downloads Pro (French release only)
May The Source Be With You!