The easiest way is like what BarryC said by selecting the folder and doing an
Apple i, going to
Ownership & Permissions then open
Details and change all drop-down menus to
Read & Write then click the
Apply to enclosed items button, this would change everything to Read & Write (equivalent is 777) for everything in the directory.
The other way is fire up Terminal and
chmod from there like so:
cd ~/
sudo chmod -R 777 sites
The example I used is due to me keeping my test site in the Sites folder under my login.
cd ~/
This changes the directory to my home folder which points to my login, i.e. lowededwookie
Of course you would CD to whereever your site is hosted.
sudo chmod -R 777 sites
This forces an admin strength (sudo)
chmod to do a recursive (-R) permission setting of Read & Write (777) to the sites directory. Just a note with this. The sites directory is actually labelled Sites and not sites. UNIX is case sensitive but MacOS X is not so on MacOS X Sites and sites are actually one and the same. It maybe an idea to practise case sensitivity if your real site is hosted on a Linux/UNIX site other than MacOS X.