NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/8/3 8:21

  • Jufis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 46

  • Since: 2005/7/21

I found some bugs in newBB-search site.
Here's a pic.

How to solve? I tried to update the module and tried to update templates.

Re: NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/8/3 11:41

  • Jufis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 46

  • Since: 2005/7/21


anyone? its pretty annoying :|

Re: NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/9/22 0:44

  • farbird

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/9/20

dude, i got the same problems

is there anyone there whom share the same problem?

I turned on debug mode and this was showed below the page

Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_MENU_SELECT - assumed '_MD_MENU_SELECT' in file modules/newbb/header.php line 35
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_MENU_CLICK - assumed '_MD_MENU_CLICK' in file modules/newbb/header.php line 36
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_MENU_HOVER - assumed '_MD_MENU_HOVER' in file modules/newbb/header.php line 38
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FORUMINDEX - assumed '_MD_FORUMINDEX' in file modules/newbb/search.php line 66
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_SEARCHALLFORUMS - assumed '_MD_SEARCHALLFORUMS' in file modules/newbb/search.php line 206
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTHOURS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTHOURS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1052
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTHOURS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTHOURS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1052
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTHOURS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTHOURS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1052
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTHOURS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTHOURS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1052
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_FROMLASTDAYS - assumed '_MD_FROMLASTDAYS' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1050
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_THELASTYEAR - assumed '_MD_THELASTYEAR' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1056
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_BEGINNING - assumed '_MD_BEGINNING' in file modules/newbb/include/functions.php line 1057

Re: NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/9/22 0:47

  • farbird

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/9/20

xoops 2.2.2
with cbb 2.2

I also realised that search by author is not working..

even for the forum here...

I keyed in my own nick "farbird" into the box where it says author and no results are returned.

Re: NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/12/2 18:08

  • Byron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/9/25

I'm having this problem with my CBB search, as well. Has anyone come up with a solution?

I'm using the latest version of Xoops, fresh install, with the CBB package that came with it. So there's no old versions of anything to get in the way. I've checked various files in the newbb directory (header.php, etc) and everything looks ok and has permissions set correctly. All my modules and templates are up to date.

It looks like the fields or search options aren't getting created, either in Smarty or because the file can't be seen. There's a few possible reasons I can think of, but they're all just guess. I have no real idea if any of them are possible causes or not:

1. I'm using a custom theme set, which has caused stuff to act oddly in previous versions if a module expects something from a theme that isn't there.

2. I'm not in the root directory of the server, but actually in a subdirectory. I was thinking this might be causing problems with either XOOPS_URL or XOOPS_ROOT_PATH, but I know that those have been getting translated ok in other modules.

3. The newbb template set has three .css files that are hilighted yellow, waiting to be generated. However, when I try to generate them, it says that the files cannot be found. The hover and click files are obviously for the menus, but there's also a newbb.css file that could have related information in it. Whether or not these files are still used in cbb, I don't know.

That's about all I can think of that might be related. I know that my PHP and SQL versions and all that are sufficient for XOOPS 2.2.3. Can anyone think of anything else to check?

Re: NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/12/3 23:05

  • Byron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/9/25

Update- I tried changing the theme and template sets to the default ones, and the error still occurred. So I'm pretty sure that I can rule out possibility #1.

Anyone have any other ideas?

Re: NewBB search-problem
  • 2005/12/5 16:27

  • Byron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2004/9/25

Ok, I found a workaround for this. Since all of these labels are defined in the language file main.php, I added the following line to the top of /newbb/header.php:

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/newbb/language/english/main.php';

This manually loads all the english language variables. The search page now displays correctly, and from what I can tell search and everything else in the forums is working fine.

I have no idea why the language file wasn't loading; I tried putting the line in search.php and it loaded all of the variables except for the menu one which was said to be missing from header. So I moved the line to header and everything loaded fine.

The problem with this workaround is that you'll have to hardcode in every language that you use, so dynamic translation isn't going to work as well. Since I don't use translation on my site it's not a problem for me, but it still seems like something the bug team or whoever should check into.


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