Okey it worked this way thanks so much. And if i want this code appear in a block? I added it as php file type didnt work also HTML type didnt work too and the other 2 one too. I tried to modify the user online template as :
<{$block.online_total}><br /><br />Here is my code <{include_php file="$xoops_rootpath/themes/phpkaox/huc.php"}><br /><br /><{$block.lang_members}>: <{$block.online_members}><br /><{$block.lang_guests}>: <{$block.online_guests}><br /><br /><{$block.online_names}> <a href="javascript:openWithSelfMain('<{$xoops_url}>/misc.php?action=showpopups&type=online','Online',420,350);"><{$block.lang_more}>a>
Still didnt work. How can i make show it in a block?