I had this same question earlier.
You can choose whatever name you like for your module but you need to edit the module files to do so.
Normally, there is a reference in the xoops_version.php file that specifies the module URL/folder.
Ideally, it would be a matter of simply changing that variable's value but in reality, the module path is hard-coded in other parts of the module.
I used a text editor
TextPipeTo do a mass search/replace of the module name / folder text in all the module files prior to upload / install. You can download a free trial.
However, you should, I think leave some of the text intact (for example readme.txt) to respect the original authors name for the module.
Also, bear in mind, if you change the table names, module name text etc... it may interfere with future updates for that module.
perhaps there is another way, that would be tidier.
In any case, search/replace worked for me, I renamed tinycontent to content and it works perfectly