Standard NEWS Module problem...
  • 2005/2/25 20:20

  • Jason0071

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2005/1/19

I am using the most current version of XOOPS and also the standard NEWS module that comes with it. The NEWS module should allow me to use HTML, however when I place a at the end of the NEWS article the table displays with a large blank space before it, therefore the user has to scroll down on the page to see the table. On top of that the table does not display as it would in a browser (table borders are removed, etc...).

Should I be using a different module?

How do I correct this?


Re: Standard NEWS Module problem...
  • 2005/2/25 21:15

  • Jason0071

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2005/1/19

The use of tables in a NEWS module(NEWS 2 also fails) story seems virtually useless, if standard HTML is used. When XOOPS renders the page for view by a client even a basic table:


seems to be rendered with a inordinately large blank space above the table. Not to mention other problems displaying tables that use specific tags.

BTW, this was tested with no other content in the story, just a basic table. So, I guess some HTML tags work with this module and some don't????

I've used

and others...had problems with and tags including references to css styles and others...hmmmmm.



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