If you search through xoops.org using the word:
you'll come accross a lot of topics considering the latest news module (1.21) in which the same error message are mentioned.
Warning [PHP]: array_push() [function.array-push]: First argument should be an array in file class/module.textsanitizer.php line 113
When I want to create a newsarticle from the adminsite, these same heaps of warnings also appear with me.
Up till now nobody seems really care about these several newsmodule 1.21 warning message topics. At least nobody is giving an approporiate answer in what could cause these warnings and how to solve this.
Since I've learned from this community that notices aren't dangerously but with warnings you should ring the bell.........Well guys I again am ringing this news-bell and can only hope there is gonna be some sort of answer this time.
Apart from the members who earlier started a topic about it,.....do other users (running XOOPS 2.7.3) also have these warnings within the newsmodule 1.21 ?
Grtz., Shine