Please bring me this present I need so badly - If it is already here, eat the cookies and drink the milk.. thank you.
When I receive an email of Notification of New Posts in a Thread its only links and an invite to visit the site where the posts are.. Thats nice, but wouldn't it be much nicer if:
The post itself was sent and a message saying, "You asked us to send this to you, if you don't want any more.. click here.. if you want to reply to the post... click here.
That last "click here" would bring you to the message board and.. (here comes another Christmas wish)... provide you with a logon prompt instead of the, "you can't see this message unless you logon" as it does now..
The notification is already being sent, why can't it contain the text of the post? - A link inviting you to visit a message forum should, could work just like the registration verification message (ie... validate a known user because it was a known user who asked to be notified)
Ok, please wrap all this up in pretty paper and dash it out the door, Christmas is approaching...
Click here to ignore the last of the message.