patience vinit.. it's not as simple as u think it is.. and at least give developers and others the chance to look at and resolve other problems aswell as your own..
but there is no XOOPS class for day selector or month selector or year selector, so 1st you'd have to create them..
ie formselectday.php formselectmonth.php formselectyear.php
then you'd have to define them in xoopslists.php, also probably make a language file too, a few edits in other files along with combining the data from the 3 new XoopsFormSelectDay, XoopsFormSelectMonth & XoopsFormSelectYear (these you will need to create)..
but it's possible.. and there may even be a few other ways of doing it i don't know about yet..
if u look at the files you should probably be able to suss it out for yourself