SleepeR wrote:
Right, so when I make module I, or firm can sell it... if I understand. Wow!
Not so quick there
You can sell it, yes, but if it uses open source code, then you can't put any restrictions on the use and (re)distribution of your module, other then what the GPL provides. That means that the person buying your module can make it available to the public for free, change the code (but keep the credits) and use the module for whatever he/she wants to use it for.
What Kazu means with 'you can make money with open source' is that you can sell your
added value: the services you can provide to the client. For instance, development (of a module), support, customisation, design, implemntation, documentation, training, etc. Selling open source code with restrictions isn't allowed (the selling part is, the restrictions aren't), selling your services is recommended and stimulated