I have 2 questions.
I created my own block, and called it advertisers. I then inserted the phpadsnew code. And i got a few problems. Here are my questions. I will post there code under them so you can see just what i did.
First one:
When I use the php insertion code it shows in the preview, but it wont work when i submit it to XOOPS. It wont even show the button. but the block title shows.
if (@include(getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT').'/banman/phpadsnew.inc.php')) { if (!isset($phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array(); $phpAds_raw = view_raw ('zone:2', 0, '', '', '0', $phpAds_context); echo $phpAds_raw['html']; } ?> |
Second Question:
I then tried the java script insertion code. It worked, but i cant center the button on the block. here is my code.
If you can help me out at all that would be great.