I'm sorry I know this question has been asked about a half a dozen ways before. But the question has never been asked quite right and the answers i have read just confuse me further. So I will atempt to ask a complete question and hopefully get a complete answer.
Is it possible to restrict registered users from submitting news, without restricting their ability to read news?
I tried to accomplish this by removing access rights to the news module from the group "registered users". Then I made a group called "editors" and gave this group access rights to the news module. The result was "Registered users" could no longer read news, while "editors" could both read and submit articles. This is not my intended goal. I want Registered users to be able to read news, just not submit.
It seems that with the exception of anonymous users, you can restrict access to the module completely or not at all. Is this correct?
If not, how do I configure it to accomplish this? If so, is there a fix, hack or update that I can use to accomplish this?