Modification request
  • 2004/5/21 19:11

  • phillipd

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 219

  • Since: 2004/4/20

It would be really great if one could post specific forums and polls in a "section", in the same manner as blocks are displayed on the main page. As it is you have to see all polls and forums. Separating them to be displayed on different parts of the site would be very handy. As it is the "sections" capability isn't very useful, at least for me, because you can't put a "different" block of "Recent news" or "Recent topics" for a particular subject matter in a section. As an alternative, the ability to turn on visibility to individual polls or forums in different "Sections" would work. The idea of a CMS is to allow non coders to post content. Well the "section" requires one to be a HTML/PHP expert. This is where a separate "Block" tied to a "Category" that could be seen in one section but not another would be useful. At least to me and I hope others. If you have a lot of forums, or news, the page grows VERY long. I'm not sure if this is a reasonable idea or not. I could use some opinions.


Looking at the selection of Forums, I hope this wasn't the wrong place to put this...


Doug P


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