Hi Xoopsers,
I use WFSection on nearly all of my XOOPS sites with great success. I frequently need to post long single articles that wind up getting trimmed if I'm not careful. So far, I work around this by creating the articles in HTML and using the wrap feature, which works like a charm. However, as I am also using a handy-dandy cross-referencing hack that performs a search/replace on wfsections content on the fly - very useful for internal linking - I would like to post these directly in wf instead. The cross-reference hack doesn't work on embedded html files.
I thought that I was running into the 64K size limit of the text format maintext field, and that all I would need to do to avoid this is to change the column format of the maintext field in wfsections to one with a larger limit, presumably mediumtext. Is that guess correct, and is it possible to change the column format to mediumtext without damaging anything within wf? And if not, is there another simple way to expand that limit?
Thanks in advance,