  • 2004/4/24 21:43

  • BradM

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

Hi hsalazar,

I was working on an adaptation of the glossaire module a while back, which didn't get to the point of an official release. However, I'm looking forward to checking out your next release of the wordbook.

I'm not sure if you or others are interested, but here's some code which will allow for automatic cross-referencing of terms. Basically if any other terms in the db appear within the currently-viewed entry, each will be hyperlinked to their corresponding entries.

I've just copied the code from my file, so it'll have to be adapted to fit within your module.

// link up other terms in db
list($numterms) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($xoopsDB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("lexicon")));
$termdata $xoopsDB->query("SELECT id, letter, term, definition, post, image, submit_by, submit_date, use_wiki FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("lexicon"));
    while ( list(
$id$letter$term$definition$post$image$submit_by$submit_date$use_wiki) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($termdata) ) {
        if (
$term != $glo_term) { // don't link term in its own definition
$default_term $term;
// singular
$search_term "/b$default_termb/i";
$replace_term ".XOOPS_URL."/modules/lexicon/view.php?term_id=".$id."'>".$term.""
$glo_definition preg_replace($search_term$replace_term$glo_definition);
// plural
$term $default_term."s";
$search_term "/b$termb/i";
$replace_term ".XOOPS_URL."/modules/lexicon/view.php?term_id=".$id."'>".$term."";
$glo_definition preg_replace($search_term$replace_term$glo_definition);
// plural with e
$term $default_term."es";
$search_term "/b$termb/i";
$replace_term ".XOOPS_URL."/modules/lexicon/view.php?term_id=".$id."'>".$term."";
$glo_definition preg_replace($search_term$replace_term$glo_definition);


Re: xoopsbook
  • 2004/4/23 0:44

  • BradM

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

Hmmm the term "funky" can mean so many different things. What exactly are you finding "funky" about it?

attempted hack?
  • 2004/4/14 19:41

  • BradM

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

I've had my XOOPS site running for a month or so now and have come across something strange.

I have it set up so that I have to personally activate all accounts. I received an email notice yesterday regarding an account activation, which is normal.

However, today I was checking out my "Webmaster" group for an unrelated issue and noticed that the user from the most recent activation request showed up in this list! I hadn't yet even activated the account.

Any ideas? I just deleted the account via phpadmin, since I was unable to remove the name from the Webmaster list via the groups admin. It just resulted in a blank page when I tried to do so.


Re: wfchannel_v1.0.6 RC1 Released
  • 2004/3/24 0:45

  • BradM

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

I'm currently using v1.02, and as I posted in the other forum, for some reason it no longer saves topics to the db. There is no php/mysql error, the only error is the message "FAQ was NOT saved".

Is this indicative of anything? If I can't get this working again I'll have to look to some other module for my documents.


Re: System Module Issues
  • 2004/3/23 2:03

  • BradM

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

I don't really have an answer but it looks like the module can't find the language file. Perhaps you should check in modules/system/language/english to make sure all the files are there and are not corrupted in some way.


WF-FAQ no longer saves topics
  • 2004/3/23 2:00

  • BradM

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

I've been using WF-FAQ for a while without any trouble. However, just recently it started producing this error message when trying to save a topic to the db:

"ERROR: FAQ was NOT created and saved"

So far I have 122 topics in 6 categories -- I'm actually using this module for displaying documents.

Is there some capacity limitation which I've reached? Neither php or MySQL debug show any error messages.


Re: Contact us plus
  • 2004/3/21 16:53

  • BradM

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

Switching from HTML/CGI to Xoops
  • 2004/3/15 0:28

  • BradM

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

This site has been a labour of love, hate, and everything in between since initially using Notepad to write my first home.htm file back in 1994.

I've decided to use XOOPS as more of a CMS and less of a community-based interactive site. As you can imagine, after this long I try to spend as little time working on my site as possible. I've decided to not have a forum or chat room in the latest incarnation, and even still, XOOPS is the way to go. Why lose the forum and chat? Well it was either that or choose to shut down the site completely, yet I'm getting enough visitors -- who solely use it for research or just a little bit of fun -- to justify keeping it alive.

But I digress. The site is for those fans of vampire/horror literature, film, and everything in between. I'd appreciate feedback on the look and usability.

I hope to switch over to this portal within a week or so, but be warned it's still under construction so watch out for the potholes, pylons and general messiness.



Re: WFSection - Very long articles
  • 2004/3/8 23:37

  • BradM

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

Good to know! I wasn't aware that there was a mediumtext option. I don't know much about MySQL, so is there quite a difference between the space taken up by mediumtext vs. longtext?

Does anyone have an idea regarding how much text can be stored within the mediumtext designation?

I've been using longtext, but if I can get away with mediumtext, it probably makes more sense to do so.


Re: Too many sites firing blanks?
  • 2004/3/8 2:41

  • BradM

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/8/14

I've had a couple of fatal errors/blank pages recently, but this was because I had been working on a new module (based on an old one), and it contained a subroutine which was named the same as another one found in another php file.


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