Hi Kelly,
You were lloking in the right place. Go to system admin -> templates, and go to the wfsection template called
wfsection_article.html. There, somewhere in the top you'll see this code:
<td width="84%" class="itemPoster" align="left"><{$lang_author}> <{$article.poster}><br />
<{$lang_published}>: <{$article.datetime}><br />
<{$article.counter}><br />
<td width="16%" align="right" valign="middle"><{$article.maillink}>td>
The <{$lang_author}> and <{$article.poster}> parts show the translated Posted by and the author name. You can change the <{$lang_author}> into anything you want, either by editing the language file, or by changing it in the template. Thus, you change <{$lang_author}> into "Submitted by". That should do the trick in the article text.