We need translators to new Chat module
  • 2003/11/23 22:37

  • cmagana

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 131

  • Since: 2003/11/8

Hi, we need translators for our new module Chat v1.0, we have translations for spanish, english, italian and portuguese languages, if you want translate this module to another language we'll be thanked.

The files to translate are:

file: admin.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Admin pages
define("_AM_CHAT_ADMIN","Chat Administration");
define("_AM_CHAT_ELIGE","Choose a option:");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADMI", "Administration");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM2", "Chat Flash Admin");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM3", "Name");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM4", "Password");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM5", "Enter");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADUS", "There aren´t users in the room");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADEX", "Kick");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADIN", "Bann");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADNI", "There aren´t banned IPs in the room");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADPE", "Pardon");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADIP", "Administration for banned IPs");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADII", "The chat is not using the IP to identify users, so they cannot be banned");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADAU", "Administration for user list");

file: blocks.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Block access to chat
define("_MB_CHAT_BLOCKNAME","Enter to Chat");
define("_MB_CHAT_CHATEAR","¡Click on image to enter to the Chat!");
define("_MB_CHAT_ALTIMG","Enter to the Chat now!");


file: main.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Intro page
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG1", "-The name length must be at least 4 characters");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG2", "-The password length must be at least 4 characters");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG3", "-Don´t use special characters or numbers in the name");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG4", "-Sorry, we need to get your IP to allow the access");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG5", "-Don´t use special characters in the password");
define("_MD_CHAT_PORF", "Please:");
define("_MD_CHAT_PERS", "person");
define("_MD_CHAT_PRES", "s");
define("_MD_CHAT_AHOR", " now in the chat room");
define("_MD_CHAT_TUNO", "Name:");
define("_MD_CHAT_TUCO", "Password:");
define("_MD_CHAT_ENTR", "Enter");
define("_MD_CHAT_RENO", "To enter in the chat room, input your name");
define("_MD_CHAT_YCON", " and password,");
define("_MD_CHAT_BOTO", ", and click the button:");
define("_MD_CHAT_ONOM", "use other name");
define("_MD_CHAT_AYUT", "Chat Flash - Help");
define("_MD_CHAT_CHAT", "CHAT");
define("_MD_CHAT_UACT", "Users in the room:");
define("_MD_CHAT_HEL1", "If you require help about like using chat");
define("_MD_CHAT_HEL2", "press here");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR1", "To enter the room of Chat:");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR2", "Write your name, that it is the name with which you are going to appear in chat.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR3", "Finally, press the button "Enter".");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR4", "Ready, Already you can begin to chat with the users of the room.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR5", "Requirements to enter the Chat:");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR6", "This chat requires Flash Player");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR7", "Loudspeakers.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR8", "Desire to chat ");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR9", "here");
define("_MD_CHAT_REC2", "Try to maintain an pleasant and amused atmosphere.");
define("_MD_CHAT_REC3", "Ask which you do not know, between all we will help you.");
define("_MD_CHAT_REC4", "Participate in chats, we would like to know you.");
define("_MD_CHAT_POP1", "Enter");
define("_MD_CHAT_POP2", "POPUP VERSION:");
define("_MD_CHAT_POP3", "Chat popup version, chat is opened aside in a small window.");

// Chat
define("_MD_CHAT_PARA", "\(for (.*)\)");
define("_MD_CHAT_PAR2", "(for ");
define("_MD_CHAT_PAR3", ")");
define("_MD_CHAT_NODE", "-The receiver is not in the room-");
define("_MD_CHAT_BYEV", "Bye. We hope see you soon,");
define("_MD_CHAT_ADEN", "(just entered in the room)");
define("_MD_CHAT_ADSA", "(just left the room)");
define("_MD_CHAT_HASE", "---You have been kicked from this room---");
define("_MD_CHAT_ADVE", "The next time, try to be polite");
define("_MD_CHAT_NOEN", "Bye, your entrance to this room have been prohibited");
define("_MD_CHAT_SIEN", "Sorry, you can not enter in this room");
define("_MD_CHAT_SALI", "Logout the Chat");

// Flash interface
define("_MD_CHAT_INT1", "Before entering, read the following indications:");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT2", "If there is somebody in the room with the name that you have chosen, a numerical extension will be added to your name.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT3", "If you enter with the name of Carlos and there is someone called Carlos in the room, your name will become Carlos1.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT4", "You can see the connected users and send private messages to them, activate and deactivate the sound (´speaker´ icon) and review the conversation (´back arrow´ icon).");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT5", "That´s all. Enjoy the chat.");
define("_MD_CHAT_CONE", "Connecting with the chat room. Please, wait a moment...");
define("_MD_CHAT_TUER", "you are");
define("_MD_CHAT_USCO", "Connected users");
define("_MD_CHAT_MEPR", "private message to");
define("_MD_CHAT_MPR1", "The private messages only can be seen by the sender and the receiver.");
define("_MD_CHAT_NREC", "Write the exact name of the receiver or he will not be able to see the message.");
define("_MD_CHAT_TIP1", "Remember that you can copy a selected text and paste it in any other field using the right button in Windows or ctrl-click in Mac.");

// Review messages
define("_MD_CHAT_ULMS", "Chat - Last Messages");

// Title popup window
define("_MD_CHAT_POPTI", "Chat Flash");


file: modinfo.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// General info
define("_MI_CHAT_NAME", "Chat");
define("_MI_CHAT_DESC", "Module that contains a chat room in flash and php.");
define("_MI_CHAT_BNAME", "Access to the Chat");
define("_MI_CHAT_BDESC", "Block to access to the chat");

// menu admin
define("_MI_CHAT_ADMENU0", "Users Admin");
define("_MI_CHAT_ADMENU1", "banned IPs Admin");

Re: We need translators to new Chat module
  • 2003/11/24 4:06

  • hyperclo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/11/14


I'll do these into German. It'll take about 3-4days because of the little time I have.

I'll start on Tuesday the 25th of November.

If you already have some of these in German let me know. I'm American and will have to have my wife or some freinds check the Grammatics after I'm done then I'll send the files as they get done.

Is this OK?


PS- After writing this I took a closer look, I might get it done by wednesday.

Re: We need translators to new Chat module
  • 2003/11/24 5:40

  • cmagana

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 131

  • Since: 2003/11/8

French Translation is complete, if you want check grammar:



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Fases en la pagina intro
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG1", "-Votre login doit être égal ou supérieur à 4 caractères");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG2", "-Votre mot de passe doit être égal ou supérieur à 4 caractères");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG3", "-Ne pas utiliser un caractère spécial ou un chiffre pour le login");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG4", "-Désolé, mais on doit accéder à votre adresse IP pour vous loguer");
define("_MD_CHAT_MSG5", "-Ne pas utiliser un caractère spécial pour le mot de passe");
define("_MD_CHAT_PORF", "il vous plaît:");
define("_MD_CHAT_PERS", "personne");
define("_MD_CHAT_PRES", "s");
define("_MD_CHAT_AHOR", " maintenant dans le salon de discussion");
define("_MD_CHAT_TUNO", "Nom:");
define("_MD_CHAT_TUCO", "Mot de passe:");
define("_MD_CHAT_ENTR", "Entrée");
define("_MD_CHAT_RENO", "Pour entrer dans le salon, saisissez votre nom");
define("_MD_CHAT_YCON", " et Mot de passe,");
define("_MD_CHAT_BOTO", ", Puis cliquez sur le bouton:");
define("_MD_CHAT_ONOM", "employez l'autre nom");
define("_MD_CHAT_AYUT", "Chat Flash - Help");
define("_MD_CHAT_CHAT", "CHAT");
define("_MD_CHAT_UACT", "Utilisateurs dans le chat:");
define("_MD_CHAT_HEL1", "Si vous avez besoin de l'aide environ comme employer la chat");
define("_MD_CHAT_HEL2", "pression ici");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR1", "Pour entrer dans la salle de Chat:");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR2", "Écrivez votre nom, cela que c'est le nom avec dans lequel vous allez apparaître chat.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR3", "En conclusion, appuyez sur le bouton "Entrez".");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR4", "Prêt, déjà vous pouvez commencer à causer avec les utilisateurs de la salle.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR5", "Conditions d'entrer dans Chat:");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR6", "Ce Chat requiert Flash 5 au moins");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR7", "Haut-parleurs.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR8", "Désir de causer ");
define("_MD_CHAT_INTR9", "ici");
define("_MD_CHAT_REC2", "Essayez de maintenir une atmosphère plaisante et amusée.");
define("_MD_CHAT_REC3", "Demandez-ce que vous ne savez pas, entre tous que nous vous aiderons.");
define("_MD_CHAT_REC4", "Participate in chats, we would like to know you.");
define("_MD_CHAT_POP1", "Entrez");
define("_MD_CHAT_POP2", "VERSION POPUP:");
define("_MD_CHAT_POP3", "Chat version popup, la causerie est ouverte de côté dans une petite fenêtre.");

// Frases en el chat
define("_MD_CHAT_PARA", "\(à (.*)\)");
define("_MD_CHAT_PAR2", "(à ");
define("_MD_CHAT_PAR3", ")");
define("_MD_CHAT_NODE", "-Votre interlocuteur n'est pas dans le salon-");
define("_MD_CHAT_BYEV", "A bientôt,");
define("_MD_CHAT_ADEN", "(nous rejoint)");
define("_MD_CHAT_ADSA", "(nous quitte)");
define("_MD_CHAT_HASE", "---Vous avez été déconnecté par l'administrateur---");
define("_MD_CHAT_ADVE", "La prochaine fois, respectez les autres");
define("_MD_CHAT_NOEN", "Adieu, vous avez été banni par l'administrateur");
define("_MD_CHAT_SIEN", "Désolé, mais vous ne pouvez entrer dans ce salon");
define("_MD_CHAT_SALI", "Déconnexion");

// Frases en la interface flash
define("_MD_CHAT_INT1", "Avant d'entrer, lisez les instructions suivantes:");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT2", "Si quelqu'un portant votre nom est déjà dans ce salon, le système vous affectera votre nom avec un numéro.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT3", "Si vous vous loguez en tant que François et que quelqu'un nommé François est dans le chat, le système vous nommera François1.");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT4", "Vous pouvez voir les autres utilisateurs connectés et envoyer un message à l'un d'entre eux en particulier, activer ou désactiver le son ('icône: parleur') et revoir la conversation conversation ('icône: retour).");
define("_MD_CHAT_INT5", "Fin des instructions.");
define("_MD_CHAT_CONE", "Connection avec le Chat en cours, veuillez patienter...");
define("_MD_CHAT_TUER", "Vous êtes");
define("_MD_CHAT_USCO", "Utilisateurs connectés");
define("_MD_CHAT_MEPR", "message privé pour");
define("_MD_CHAT_MPR1", "Les messages privés ne peuvent être lus que par leur destinataire.");
define("_MD_CHAT_NREC", "Ecrivez le pseudo exact du destinataire sinon le message ne sera lu par personne.");
define("_MD_CHAT_TIP1", "Souvenez-vous que vous pouvez copier un message pour le coller dans une autre application.");

// Frases en la pagina de revision de mensajes //
define("_MD_CHAT_ULMS", "Chat - Dermiers Messages");

// Titulo de la ventana popup
define("_MD_CHAT_POPTI", "Chat Flash");




// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// información en general
define("_MI_CHAT_NAME", "Chat");
define("_MI_CHAT_DESC", "Module qui contient une salle de chat dans le flash et php.");
define("_MI_CHAT_BNAME", "Accédez à le Chat");
define("_MI_CHAT_BDESC", "Bloc à l'accès à le chat");

// menu de admininstración
define("_MI_CHAT_ADMENU0", "Utilisateurs Admin");
define("_MI_CHAT_ADMENU1", "IPs interdit Admin");


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Bloque de botón de acceso
define("_MB_CHAT_BLOCKNAME","Entrez à l'chat");
define("_MB_CHAT_CHATEAR","Cliquez sur l'image pour entrer à l'chat!");
define("_MB_CHAT_ALTIMG","Entrez à l'chat maintenant!");



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Carlos Leopoldo Magaña Zavala //
// Mail: carloslmz@msn.com //
// URL: http://www.xoopsmx.com & http://www.miguanajuato.com //
// Module: Chat Flash //
// Project: The XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org/) //
// Based on Develooping flash Chat version 1.5.2 //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Frases en las páginas de administración
define("_AM_CHAT_ELIGE","Choisissez une option:");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADMI", "Administration");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM2", "Chat Flash Admin");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM3", "Nom");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM4", "Mot de passe");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADM5", "Ok");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADUS", "Il n'y a aucun utilisateur dans le salon");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADEX", "Deconnecter");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADIN", "Bannir");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADNI", "Il n'y a aucun banni dans le Chat");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADPE", "Pardon");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADIP", "Administration des IPs bannies");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADII", "Le Chat n'utilise pas l'adresse IP en tant qu'identificateur d'un utilisateur et ne peut donc pas bannir");
define("_AM_CHAT_ADAU", "Administration de liste des utilisateurs");

Re: We need translators to new Chat module
  • 2003/11/25 20:27

  • cmagana

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 131

  • Since: 2003/11/8

Dutch translation for chat module was made, thanks to Franks from http://www.montisarts.com

Re: We need translators to new Chat module
  • 2003/12/1 3:42

  • Montisarts

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2003/1/26

you're welcome

Re: We need translators to new Chat module
  • 2003/12/1 3:51

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

  • Since:

I will do a Romanian translation if nobody else does one in 30 days from now, so remind me in 30 days please?



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